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  • Population: 61,855,120 

  • Spoken languages: Italian (official), German, French, Slovene

  • Predominant religion: Christianity 80%, Islam(about 800,000 to 1 million), Atheist and Agnostic 20%

  • Major imports: engineering products, chemicals, transport equipment, energy products, minerals and nonferrous metals, textiles and clothing, food, beverages, and tobacco

  • Major exports: engineering products, textiles and clothing, production machinery, motor vehicles, transport equipment, chemicals; foodstuffs, beverages, and tobacco; minerals, nonferrous metals

  • GDP: $2.174 trillion 

  • GDP per capita: $35,800

  • Paper currency and coins: $1.00 in US= 0.897 EUR (Euro)










  • Weather during the summer months: In the Summer, temperatures range from 72֯F -80֯F with a few thunderstorms with rainy and humid days in northern regions while southern regions are dry and sunny.

  • One social custom different from the United States:

The legal drinking age is 16 years old while it is 21 years in the United States.

Family is very important in Italy—children are reared to remain close to their parents and siblings.


Cultural Synopsis 

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